#Hashtag it! My Image in WestJet Magazine!

MY PIC is in this fabulous airline magazine - it was in the seatback pocket of all of their planes in December - because of the #! 

In 2015, I took a week long trip to Bermuda, to see if I could successfully capture the essence of an Island home that means so much not only to me, but to my family. It's a very special destination. We lived there when I was little, my mom and sister were born there. At three, I was as taken with the Island as I've ever been. I've always remembered the scents as you'd walk down the stairs to the tarmac on arrival day and also while driving around the island on the back of my granny's scooter, the fragrance is a combination of spicy, floral, and sea (I've never found that smell anywhere else in the world that I've traveled), just as important in my minds eye, the amazing views of the turquoise ocean and white rooftops every time we'd crest a hill. I had a fantastic week, I'm really happy with all I captured, But even though I returned in '17, there is more to be captured and always more images here to edit...later, and soon. On to the reason for this post. Last October, out of the blue, The art director from WestJet Magazine reached out and requested usage rights for an image I took in Bermuda in ‘15. The image is of the Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity in downtown Hamilton. I couldn’t have been more honored! Not only is Bermuda SO VERY special to me, but trying to capture this majestic cathedral was part of that essence I spoke of, hoping to find a way to do it justice, was part of what was in my bucket list that trip. As of last October, I’d only published a handful of the images, this was one of them, and thankfully I #hashtagged it! When I asked her how she found it, she said found it on a Google search among hundreds of others...I’m so thankful and again, honored she picked mine. #westjetmagazine#cathedralifthemostholytrinity #Bermuda